- SexWeiblich
- HerkunftLateinamerikanische
- Sexuelle PräferenzHetero
- LandDE
- SprachenEN
- Alter45 (1980)
- FigurM
- ZeichenWidder
- TattooNein
- PiercingNein
- SexspielzeugeJa
- 1zu1Ja
- HDJa
- 3DNein
I love good sex and i enjoy being spoiled and worshipped but i'd also love to have a greatconversation
Macht mich an:
Sexy games,i like smart and uncommon people whom I can have a good conversation with and share amazing fantasies, as well as talk and get to know eachother
Mag ich nicht:
Silence in pvt , cause I am not clairvoyant to guess what u are into, fake people
8.00 morning bis 17.00 in the afternoon
- 28-01-2025
- 13:53 Safetyman
Safetyman gibt Jolene ein virtuelles Geschenk.
- 13:53 Safetyman
- 16-10-2024
- 23:19 roger
roger gibt Jolene ein virtuelles Geschenk.
- 23:19 roger