- SexWeiblich
- HerkunftEuropäisch
- Sexuelle PräferenzHetero
- SprachenEN-RU-UK
- Alter51 (1974)
- FigurXL
- ZeichenWidder
- TattooNein
- PiercingNein
- SexspielzeugeJa
- 1zu1Ja
- HDNein
- 3DNein
I treat every visitor with respect and hope for sincerity on your part. I like friendship, communication, I love to tease and watch how a man gets excited! I love spending time alone with a man, giving myself completely. Emotions are important to me.
Macht mich an:
I love sincere people with a sense of humor! Well-mannered and gallant men delight me!
Mag ich nicht:
I don't like violence, anal play,lie
Morning and evening