- SexWeiblich
- HerkunftLateinamerikanische
- Sexuelle PräferenzHetero
- LandRO
- SprachenEN
- Alter34 (1991)
- FigurM
- ZeichenWidder
- TattooNein
- PiercingNein
- SexspielzeugeJa
- 1zu1Ja
- HDJa
- 3DNein
i'am a good person,a little shy, sexy with big ass and big tits, professional in forensic psychology. With me you will not only find sex, but many other things that will make you feel very good and pleased.
Macht mich an:
The indecisive men take away my desire, who puts himself in a roundabout way. If you just want to talk let me know and don't play games!
Mag ich nicht:
Boring men, without imagination and rude I do not like rude men, those who do not say goodbye, those who are rude to other users
usually after 22 until 5 morning