- SexWeiblich
- HerkunftEuropäisch
- Sexuelle PräferenzHetero
- LandUA
- SprachenEN-RU
- Alter37 (1988)
- FigurXL
- ZeichenWaage
- TattooNein
- PiercingNein
- SexspielzeugeNein
- 1zu1Ja
- HDNein
- 3DNein
- Beurteilung100% (4)
I am an experienced beautiful woman with attractive forms and a beautiful body. I like to smile and give well to people. From me blows of happiness and love. I know a lot and can teach a lot. I do not like to talk a lot if I am not interested in the interlocutor. But, if I liked this man, it could go on for hours.
Macht mich an:
I am happy when I fall in love. I like to receive compliments and gifts. I love beautiful things. And I love a lot of love.
Mag ich nicht:
I hate it when they demand something from me and WANT something.
Every evening. But maybe during the day.
Videos von hugenipple
- 09-10-2024
- 13:53 DOGGOPPS
DOGGOPPS gibt hugenipple ein virtuelles Geschenk.
- 13:53 DOGGOPPS