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  • SexWeiblich
  • HerkunftEuropäisch
  • Sexuelle PräferenzHetero
  • SprachenEN-FR-IT-UK
  • Alter45 (1980)
  • FigurL
  • ZeichenStier
  • TattooNein
  • PiercingNein
  • SexspielzeugeJa
  • 1zu1Ja
  • HDNein
  • 3DNein
  • Beurteilung100% (9)


I am a mature woman who loves to touch herself and enjoy with you, I like hardcore sex, I like fisting, extreme sex, I like it when you ask me to put your whole hand inside me, call me privately and let's do it

Macht mich an:

masturbarsi ed essere osservata mi rende felice, cose che mi fanno sorridere, mi piace giocare con il mio fondoschiena

Mag ich nicht:

Voglio fare tutto


08 00 23 00

Bilder von lusyhot

Videos von lusyhot

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io che mi masturbo (PAY_PER_VIEW)
me masturbating with the black dildo
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double penetration (PAY_PER_VIEW)
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where you want to cum (PAY_PER_VIEW)
I suck a nice black cock and then put it in my pussy
my pussy in close-up (PAY_PER_VIEW)
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masturbation (PAY_PER_VIEW)
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everything inside (PAY_PER_VIEW)
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pussy close-up (PAY_PER_VIEW)
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